Archive for the Alligator (1980) Category

Alligator (1980)

Posted in Alligator (1980) with tags , , , , on December 10, 2008 by humanvulture


Basic Story: Twelve years ago, the Kendall family’s pet baby alligator was flushed down the shitter into the Chicago sewers, where it fed on the bodies of dogs used in genetic experiments. Now, the giant mutated reptile is on a feeding spree, killing everyone in its path. Cop David Madison (Robert Forster) descends into the sewers on the alligator’s trail, with the help of a reptile expert (Robin Riker). Henry Silva co-stars in this tongue-in-cheek cult hit scripted by John Sayles.

Review: Alligator, much like most older films takes some time to get going. The first half is sloooow moving, and plays like a detective story…granted this review maybe somewhat bias due to the fact that i have watched this movie every time it has been on TV since i was younger. Anyway, The story should keep you interested if you like any kind of detective genre where the viewer obviously knows who the killer is, but the writer comes up with interesting ways to string the characters along, this should keep your ass entertained. The movie takes a lot of its plot from Jaws….Detective trying to convince people that theirs an giant alligator living in the swears of Chi-town, but not many people are buying that shit. This leads to him and crocodile hunter chick searching for clues in the sewer on there own. Great cinema work with the shadows and shit in the sewer scenes.  At any rate, the filming was pretty good….and the effects were good for there time. I would suggest this movie to everyone who likes horror movies dealing with animal attacks.


4 1/2 out of 5 Crom’s