Archive for the Zombi 3 A.K.A: Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 (1988) Category

Zombi 3 (1988) A.K.A. Zombie Flesh Eaters 2

Posted in Zombi 3 A.K.A: Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 (1988) with tags , , on December 13, 2008 by humanvulture

zombi3small zombieflesheaters2small

Basic Story: When a terrorist’s body, infected with a stolen chemical, is recovered by the US military, the corpse is cremated, unintentionally releasing the virus/bacteria into the atmosphere over a small island. Soon the infected populace mutate into flesh-hungry zombies, and a trio of soldiers on leave must team up with a group of tourists and board themselves up in an abandoned hotel as they try to fend off the agile and aggressive living dead.

Review: This movie was done with a pretty low standards all around. Maybe it was one of the reasons that the director Lucio Fulci walked off the movie….but i doubt it cause hes one of the kings of cheese. Standard zombie plot was used with a tiny twist….one of the infected bodies are incinerated (much like Return of the Living Dead) and the smoke infects birds and insects outside, at which point they start fucking shit up. Id say that there was about 2 – 3 scenes that were really good….to bad that makes up only about 5% of this movie. A fast moving gas station zombie attacking the blonde chick with a machette looked really good and a shotgun blast makes a zombies head explode. Both looked really sweet, could have used more of this in the movie, but i guess the budget stopped there. Most of this movie was just filled with a ton of bad shit that almost made it comical. In the first scene the zombie wakes up after being injected with the special “Death One” serum and you think its about to eat the two doctors ass’s who are stuck in the same room as it. Then they cut away and show those same doctors just walking down the hallway…wtf happened? Most of the effects used were pretty lame with people getting shot but theres no holes or squibs used in most of the beginning scenes. Many of the  zombie masks look like some cheap thing you would get at the dollar store, and pour corn syrup all over it. The music was typical Fulci…so damn cheesy i think it was used for one of the original MegaMan Nintento games. The acting was totally over done, the bad voice dubs didint help its cause. Seems like only the nerdest guys do this job….like Steve Eurkle style.

Key lessons learned: If ever your friend gets pecked by a bird…and the wound is festering so bad that it moving like it has its own heart beat…chop there fucking head off!
Some of the major gripes that i had with this movie:

  • Most of the zombies just moan and groan while some can carry out full conversations…that’s so fucking dumb and makes little sense.
  • So many opportunity’s were given to gather weapons and ammo were totally missed….this is annoying to watch in any horror movie.
  • The flying head scene was so bad that it was good, def a mystery science theater moment there.
  • I didn’t get the blind black radio DJ that they keep flashing too….its a total rip from the movie “Vanishing Point”.
  • Some of the sets look like they were made by a high school stage crew.

Break down:

“Dawn of the Dead” is known in other countries as “Zombi”
Then “Zombie” was known in other countries as “Zombi 2”
Which makes this the 3rd installment, “Zombi 3” which is also known as “Zombie Flesh Eaters 2″…so friggin confusing.


2 out of 5 Crom’s